What’s Your Zodiac Cocktail Match?

Matching the original nature of a Zodiac sign to its perfect cocktail is like blending any drink — once you have done, it becomes an unforgettable experiences. The unique characteristics, likes and elements of each sign will tell you which cocktail suits them best.

Aries are brave and daring, at just the right level for a traditional Margarita. Aries — Margarita (are you seeing a trend with tequila here?)This zesty, limey cocktail packs the same punch as an Aries. It is one of the top five biggest-selling cocktails in 2021, according to a survey conducted by International Bartenders Association and it only showcases its wide range appeal due to dynamic taste profile.

Old-Fashioned — Taurus Classy, a little extra indulgent and pleasure-loving; so is yours truly, the sign of luxury-seeking sentimentality. A classic bourbon cocktail for TaurusBourbon, bitters and just a touch of sweetness are the perfect match to Taurus' love of anything quality.Editor's Note: That was last year! Dale DeGroff, one of the men often given credit for reigniting interest in classic cocktails, has himself said that “the Old Fashioned is a timeless cocktail and well-suited to sophisticated Taurus”.

The sign of the twins, Geminis crave variety and adventure. Mojito—The colorful and friendly nature of a Gemini can be served by this cool cocktail that mixes rum, mint, lime with soda. If its history (the Mojito was inspired by 16th century omissions) and cute little garnishes didn't tip you off, the main touchstone with Gemini is that they are fairly adaptable darlings.

Cancer Scroll down for the perfect Piña Colada Cancer, a water sign that rules emotions finds comfort in omnipotent Tiki God the Piña. Cancer: Piña Colada Beer-Rita via ArmadillosIceCreamHouseSince Crabs are probably in the spirit of home comfort you should be all about a creamy blend that brings to mind, rum coconuts and maybe some pineapple juice. CancerHoroscope Image//Getty ImagesThe Piña Colada's creamy texture and sweet flavor is like a sense of security, which Cancers naturally crave.

Competitive Fire Sign- Trump knows it, lady gaga showed us with her Vegas residency and Pisces Justin Bieber actually has pissed in them before on his dozen but now back to leader of the pack fire sign Leo — they can hold a Martini without feeling awkward others y… In a classic or modern fashion, these regal cocktails echo Leo's cool and sophisticated aesthetic. The Martini has long been a symbol of elegance and refinement, famously imbibed by characters like James Bond — it displays Leo's love for the dramatic and luxurious ways in which life should be enjoyed.

Virgo is a more meticulous, rational sign — so naturally they favor Gin and Tonic. A no-nonsense drink like gin and tonic, for instance — with its hard edged botanical spirit cut impeccably straight by crisp RC Cola-brown quinine water aligns perfectly to the sign of Virgo that prefers everything clean and sharp. The clarity and balance of a properly-crafted Gin & Tonic speaks to Virgo's analytical nature.

A Libra is the sign of balance and harmony, they perfectly suited to a classic Cockytail from New York- City :Cosmopolitan. Elegant and social, the Libra channels all of that into a stunner like vodka cranberry (with fresh lime juice for balance), which also leans right back with lovely triple sec. In line with this characteristic trait of the Libra individual, a good example is The Cosmopolitan which was made popular in the 90s from appearing on TV via Sex And The City.

Dark 'n' Stormy + Scorpio = The watery, intense and mysterious sign of the Scorpion. Scorpio: Dark And Stormy With Black RumRuled by the sexy and mysterious planet Pluto, Scorpios are just as complex in their own way; this cocktail perfectly embodies that complexity thanks to its dark rum and spicy ginger beer. Scorpio loves an element of mystery — in a cocktail, it could cater to the heady mixology practices they're so often attracted to. So what better tonic for them than The Dark 'n' Stormy?

Sagittarius Fire sign Sag loves a taste of Caipirinha, to satisfy the exotic flavor it seeks out. Sagittarius: Caipirinha — (Brazil) The sugar and lime cocktail using cachaça a distilled spirit made from sugarcane juice, like Sag's affinity to travel/move on. A bright, zesty sipper called the Caipirinha reflects Sagittarius' love for embrace-the-world thrills.

Capricorn an earth sign… the mature and ambitious knows how to appreciate a Manhattan! This sounds like the perfect cocktail for Capricorn, with its classic flavors of whiskey, sweet vermouth and bitters. The Manhattan is legendary in American cocktail culture — perfect for a Capricorn, who values tradition and accomplishment.

With its modern, free spirit feels and a classic as air can be Negroni is the drink of Aquarius. Equal parts gin, Campari and sweet vermouth (try to count all the senses that might be called into play for this cocktail…Aquarius is a sign of unique tastes) Because of its unique aroma and bold aesthetic, the Negroni resonates well with Aquarius's unusual outlook on life.

The dreamy and empathetic water sign, Pisces is something of a romantic homebody at heart — so it'd naturally be drawn to the whimsical charm in a Mai Tai. Pisces, the sign of fantasy and empathy pours out into this imaginative tropical cocktail made from rum, lime juice, orgeat syrup which allow all those flavors to sing along with orange curaçao. Pisces-colorful and layered-the Mai Tai served the same way!

For some added fun in finding the perfect zodiac cocktail for you, ponder how each sign's traits line up with various pours. Taking personality traits from your zodiac sign, read on to find out what cocktail you are.

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